Tutorial DataSaver#


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import adaptive


If the function that you want to learn returns a value along with some metadata, you can wrap your learner in an adaptive.DataSaver.

In the following example the function to be learned returns its result and the execution time in a dictionary:

from operator import itemgetter

def f_dict(x):
    """The function evaluation takes roughly the time we `sleep`."""
    import random
    from time import sleep

    waiting_time = random.random()
    a = 0.01
    y = x + a**2 / (a**2 + x**2)
    return {"y": y, "waiting_time": waiting_time}

# Create the learner with the function that returns a 'dict'
# This learner cannot be run directly, as Learner1D does not know what to do with the 'dict'
_learner = adaptive.Learner1D(f_dict, bounds=(-1, 1))

# Wrapping the learner with 'adaptive.DataSaver' and tell it which key it needs to learn
learner = adaptive.DataSaver(_learner, arg_picker=itemgetter("y"))

learner.learner is the original learner, so learner.learner.loss() will call the correct loss method.

runner = adaptive.Runner(learner, loss_goal=0.1)
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await runner.task  # This is not needed in a notebook environment!
runner.live_plot(plotter=lambda lrn: lrn.learner.plot(), update_interval=0.1)

Now the DataSavingLearner will have an dictionary attribute extra_data that has x as key and the data that was returned by learner.function as values.

              {'y': -0.9999000099990001, 'waiting_time': 0.39601924128043753}),
             (1.0, {'y': 1.000099990001, 'waiting_time': 0.8721198700209477}),
             (0.0, {'y': 1.0, 'waiting_time': 0.5530696114597049}),
              {'y': -0.4996001599360256, 'waiting_time': 0.49379179989056143}),
              {'y': -0.7498222538215429, 'waiting_time': 0.7435279571846731}),
              {'y': 0.5003998400639744, 'waiting_time': 0.3223708937972334}),
              {'y': -0.3742893942085628,
               'waiting_time': 0.017702781907085408}),
              {'y': -0.11864069952305246,
               'waiting_time': 0.14164502546387825}),
              {'y': -0.24840255591054314, 'waiting_time': 0.8742363621912244}),
              {'y': -0.0375390015600624, 'waiting_time': 0.6754240363124483}),
              {'y': 0.7501777461784571, 'waiting_time': 0.8581563307690586}),
              {'y': 0.2515974440894569, 'waiting_time': 0.013817375950112787}),
              {'y': 0.13135930047694755, 'waiting_time': 0.6311019119866136}),
              {'y': 0.0874609984399376, 'waiting_time': 0.01315685098165309}),
              {'y': 0.06163824383164006, 'waiting_time': 0.9220823470343897}),
              {'y': 0.27495388762769585, 'waiting_time': 0.10053348773591242}),
              {'y': 0.12413824383164006, 'waiting_time': 0.5762011001102176}),
              {'y': 0.30620388762769585, 'waiting_time': 0.14293027716790974}),
              {'y': 0.6131699135839903, 'waiting_time': 0.6346111208271205}),
              {'y': 0.8637065438995976, 'waiting_time': 0.7775705949899002}),
              {'y': 0.6287949135839903, 'waiting_time': 0.8937611941217731}),
              {'y': 0.8715190438995976, 'waiting_time': 0.31896380101906263}),
              {'y': -0.8748694048124327, 'waiting_time': 0.3415350508545091}),
              {'y': 0.8751305951875673, 'waiting_time': 0.06148355140162953}),
              {'y': -0.6247440655192271, 'waiting_time': 0.9690852958479172}),
              {'y': 0.3757106057914372, 'waiting_time': 0.06845395163027557}),
              {'y': 0.6252559344807729, 'waiting_time': 0.6083854750578532}),
              {'y': 0.40963707758975415, 'waiting_time': 0.8608118027479703}),
              {'y': 0.43307457758975415, 'waiting_time': 0.5302125032620214}),
              {'y': 0.7385633611533918, 'waiting_time': 0.32384663903444155}),
              {'y': 0.7502821111533918, 'waiting_time': 0.5436912139909079}),
              {'y': 0.5020904154886127, 'waiting_time': 0.5727866325441373}),
              {'y': 0.1305706215220334, 'waiting_time': 0.8588843970119444})])