Tutorial AverageLearner1D#


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import adaptive


from functools import partial

import holoviews as hv
import numpy as np

General use#

First, we define the (noisy) function to be sampled. Note that the parameter sigma corresponds to the standard deviation of the Gaussian noise.

def noisy_peak(seed_x, sigma=0, peak_width=0.05, offset=-0.5):
    seed, x = seed_x  # tuple with seed and `x` value
    y = x**3 - x + 3 * peak_width**2 / (peak_width**2 + (x - offset) ** 2)
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    noise = rng.normal(scale=sigma)
    return y + noise

This is how the function looks in the absence of noise:

xs = np.linspace(-2, 2, 500)
ys = [noisy_peak((seed, x), sigma=0) for seed, x in enumerate(xs)]
hv.Path((xs, ys))

And an example of a single realization of the noisy function:

ys = [noisy_peak((seed, x), sigma=1) for seed, x in enumerate(xs)]
hv.Path((xs, ys))

To obtain an estimate of the mean value of the function at each point x, we take many samples at x and calculate the sample mean. The learner will autonomously determine whether the next samples should be taken at an old point (to improve the estimate of the mean at that point) or at a new one.

We start by initializing a 1D average learner:

learner = adaptive.AverageLearner1D(partial(noisy_peak, sigma=1), bounds=(-2, 2))

As with other types of learners, we need to initialize a runner with a certain goal to run our learner. In this case, we set 10000 samples as the goal (the second condition ensures that we have at least 20 samples at each point):

def goal(nsamples):
    def _goal(learner):
        return learner.nsamples >= nsamples and learner.min_samples_per_point >= 20

    return _goal

runner = adaptive.Runner(learner, goal=goal(10_000))
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await runner.task  # This is not needed in a notebook environment!

Fine tuning#

In some cases, the default configuration of the 1D average learner can be sub-optimal. One can then tune the internal parameters of the learner. The most relevant are:

  • loss_per_interval: loss function (see Learner1D).

  • delta: this parameter is the most relevant and controls the balance between resampling existing points (exploitation) and sampling new ones (exploration). Its value should remain between 0 and 1 (the default value is 0.2). Large values favor the “exploration” behavior, although this can make the learner to sample noise. Small values favor the “exploitation” behavior, leading the learner to thoroughly resample existing points. In general, the optimal value of delta is between 0.1 and 0.4.

  • neighbor_sampling: each new point is initially sampled a fraction neighbor_sampling of the number of samples of its nearest neighbor. We recommend to keep the value of neighbor_sampling below 1 to prevent oversampling.

  • min_samples: minimum number of samples that are initially taken at a new point. This parameter can prevent the learner from sampling noise in case we accidentally set a too large value of delta.

  • max_samples: maximum number of samples at each point. If a point has been sampled max_samples times, it will not be sampled again. This prevents the “exploitation” to drastically dominate over the “exploration” behavior in case we set a too small delta.

  • min_error: minimum uncertainty at each point (this uncertainty corresponds to the standard deviation in the estimate of the mean). As max_samples, this parameter can prevent the “exploitation” to drastically dominate over the “exploration” behavior.

As an example, assume that we wanted to resample the points from the previous learner. We can decrease delta to 0.1 and set min_error to 0.05 if we do not require accuracy beyond this value:

learner.delta = 0.1
learner.min_error = 0.05
runner = adaptive.Runner(learner, goal=goal(20_000))
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await runner.task  # This is not needed in a notebook environment!

On the contrary, if we want to push forward the “exploration”, we can set a larger delta and limit the maximum number of samples taken at each point:

learner.delta = 0.3
learner.max_samples = 1000

runner = adaptive.Runner(learner, goal=goal(25_000))
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await runner.task  # This is not needed in a notebook environment!